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Author Topic: Ebow abuse
Double D

Posts: 195
Post Re: Ebow abuse
on: October 5, 2012, 09:45

Quote from Oinkus on October 5, 2012, 04:27
Actually learning new technique is going to kill me ! I don't feel so bad , guy came over that loves strange noise guitar stuff (no clue about that it sounds awful to me)and he had never seen an Ebow before.Pretty much he held it for a minute or 2 and gave up, learning anything new isn't his thing.Now it is up to me to spend a few days (weeks,months, years?)and get it under my fingers.

Yeah, the ebow isn't an instant-grat device. Unlike, say, turning on a pedal, you have to work at getting the sounds seamlessly. I was surprised at how much left-hand practice was required.

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