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Author Topic: Phil Manzanera

Posts: 48
Post Phil Manzanera
on: October 16, 2012, 12:44

not that I ever really forgot, but a friend's posting of a Roxy Music clip on Twitter got me on a Roxy trip and reminded me what an under-rated player Phil Manzanera is - never flashy, but always somehow appropriate. his solo on Roxy's version of "Jealous Guy" is so simple in a way, but perfect.

anyway, I thought I'd share this clip from a radio session he did in recent years...


Posts: 149
Post Re: Phil Manzanera
on: October 16, 2012, 13:37

Phil Manzanera is a big favorite of mine ever since the early Roxy Music days. My favorite stuff was the Quiet Sun album which was improvised in the studio after a short practice session. The 801 stuff was also brilliant especially all the live CDs he released on Virgin label. The live CD from Hull justs cooks from begining to end. The original live 801 with Eno was good but the other 801 live CDs are even better. He has a website:
Where you can buy all his stuff direct with autographs if you want. Bassit Bill MacCormack was running it for a while and I got Bill's autographs on a couple of CDs.


Posts: 48
Post Re: Phil Manzanera
on: October 17, 2012, 00:25

I ashamed to say I didn't even know there were any other 801 live releases; I'm going to have to check that out! I had the original, and the Quiet Sun, on vinyl from pretty much when they came out.

off-topic for a guitar forum, but I saw Simon Phillips at a drum clinic a couple of years ago (my nephew is a drummer) and it's amazing to think how young he still was on 801 Live.

Manzanera had a great radio series about other great guitarists a few years ago; I didn't hear them all, but I wish I'd recorded the ones that I did - it was a cool show.

thanks for the link & info.

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