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Author Topic: Danelectro two-pickup wiring.
Double D

Posts: 195
Post Danelectro two-pickup wiring.
on: January 25, 2013, 12:55

Hey everyone. While it's traditional for Dano two-p/u guitars to have series wiring employed in the 'both on' setting (evidently because Nat could use a cheaper switch!), I sometimes find it, well, uh, too thick and wooly for my tastes. I know that Fatdog at Subway Guitars in Berkeley has a signature wiring mod that he uses in his frankendano jizzcasters. Anyone have any insight and/or experience with these mods? Any other ideas? It would be pretty cool to have the option of running the p/us in parallel and I suspect that the series setting would sound pretty killer out of phase.
Also, I have read that the newer reissues (of which mine is one) have more legit sounding pickups than the original reissue run. Any truth to this (or at least insanely subjective conjecture)? Mine seem to have the pleasingly hollow boink that one would expect from lipsticks (I have no interest in swapping them, they sound great), but I've never plugged in a vintage Dano to compare.


Posts: 149
Post Re: Danelectro two-pickup wiring.
on: February 4, 2013, 06:54

The newer Dano pus IMHO sound more like the old ones in my vintage Silvertones (Danos built for Sears). The original reissue pickups sounded a bit "too nice" compared to the originals IMHO but they were still nice lipstick tube pus. The original pus were different with a more refined sounding pu tho' they are higher output. They are pretty close sounding and the original reissues are decent guitars. Danos sound different to other guitars so they work well live or recording. The Silvertone Dano was my first electric guitar with a vibrio-champ clone built in the case so I am a bit casual about Danos compared to most players.

Double D

Posts: 195
Post Re: Danelectro two-pickup wiring.
on: February 10, 2013, 03:27

Thanks for confirming my suspicion mwseniff. No one has any quick'n'dirty Dano tricks for us?


Posts: 149
Post Re: Danelectro two-pickup wiring.
on: February 11, 2013, 06:28

I have replaced the bridges on some of my Dano RIs this gives improved sustain and intonation. It does change the tone tho' (in a good way IMHO). You can also put headphone speakers inside the body and connect them to a small amp's headphone jack to get feedback and improved sustain on the quiet. They make great fret less guitars, I have a RI Dano Guitarlin that was de-fretted for my fret less guitar, it has SD 1/4 Pound Jaguar PUs and a GK2A hex pickup. My original Sears Silvertone has been heavily hacked with a 70's Gibson PAF in the center position it has 12 sets of cheap in the ear headphones inside the body wired to a headphone plug for a feedback boost. A buddy of mine put Lollar made lipstick tube PUs in his Dano RI it has more air in the tone particularly on the neck pickup it sounds more like my old Silvertone Dano the guitar sounds different but not necessarily better except for having less physical noise (less volume and muted sound when tapping on the PUs).

Double D

Posts: 195
Post Re: Danelectro two-pickup wiring.
on: February 11, 2013, 17:08

Good lord! I'm still trying to wrap my head around the ear-bud mod...
As far as reducing physical noise - I love slapping the strings into the pickups; it's a big part of my solo performances and the Dano gives a nice boinky 'pop!', perfect for a real time rhythm track. I dig those pickups the way they are, I'm just interested in hearing some new configurations/combinations/colours/other words that start with C...

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