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Author Topic: Hearing Aid(s),Neuropathy and Such....

Posts: 25
Post Re: Hearing Aid(s),Neuropathy and Such....
on: July 5, 2013, 03:58

Quote from smgear on July 5, 2013, 03:29
Just to amend my previous statements, whether you're just jamming or gigging, I would suggest you feed a mix to a combination of shaker and headphone. I think mounting the shaker to the back of a chair so that you can lean into it might be optimum. Take out the hearing aids and just give yourself a direct feed. That way you can give yourself a more comfortable eq and mix everything to your needs.

yeah...I just wonder what the cost of something like that is..I'm at the mercy of the gubbament (disability) pay....


Posts: 170
Post Re: Hearing Aid(s),Neuropathy and Such....
on: July 6, 2013, 04:25

well, it depends on what you've already got. Assuming that you already have some kind of PA with a free aux/monitor feed, then the Clark tactile transducer is $100 and you could probably find an old 100 watt amp for $50 or less. Unless you have a chair ready to sacrifice, I'd suggest visiting some goodwill/thrift stores and try to find an old chair - preferably something with a solid wood seat and back - or latticed so that you can add a solid board yourself. It shouldn't cost more than $200, but I imagine that you can scrounge up everything except the shaker from friends.


Posts: 25
Post Re: Hearing Aid(s),Neuropathy and Such....
on: July 6, 2013, 08:28

No,I do not have any kind of PA..I live on a very meager budget..I have to scrape for every little piece of equipment I own. SSD disability pay does not go very far...Its why I have to have every guitar I own modded in some way because I cant really afford to buy anything worth a fuck...

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