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Author Topic: for your consideration

Posts: 170
Post for your consideration
on: February 4, 2014, 11:03

Hey faithful few, in order to put some action behind my somewhat frequent rants on how boring the mainstream gear market has become, I just threw together a new website with the hope of using it to feature some of the more innovative and cool stuff that's floating around the edge of the market. Nothing fancy, just short blog posts, with discussion and social features if people feel so inclined. I'm not against highlighting cool mainstream products either, but I'll primarily be looking for indie/diy/small producers who are making something cool and could use a little PR.

The site is . I'll probably be adding/changing small things over the next few days, but I'd appreciate if a couple of you guys could check it out and give me your impressions. Also, I'd love to hear your lists of products that you think should be featured.

Thanks, Scott

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