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Author Topic: The Late Hans Reichel
Posts: 224
Post The Late Hans Reichel
on: August 20, 2012, 13:25

I just found out he died last year!

Great players are cool. Great players who build their own instruments are cooler. Great players who build their own instruments after reinventing the instruments are the coolest of all. 🙂


Posts: 17
Post Re: The Late Hans Reichel
on: August 26, 2012, 20:26

Yeah, I heard about it shortly after he died. Really sad... I wish he had received more recognition in his lifetime. It seemed like with the onset of Internet guitar journalism, there should have been more room for iconoclasts like Reichel, but I guess he played too slow and weird for your typical guitar forum meathead it just wasn't meant to be.

My favorite Reichel is the duo record he did with Tom Cora. The sounds they coax out of their instruments is unreal... now that record has an almost tragic air to it, as both players died too soon.

Double D

Posts: 195
Post Re: The Late Hans Reichel
on: August 31, 2012, 08:52

Hans and his wonderful instruments were featured in one the first Guitar Player magazines I ever bought, back in '84(?). It seems bizarre that I didn't hear his work till now! Thanks for the post Joe, and Hans, RIP you crazy diamond.


Posts: 149
Post Re: The Late Hans Reichel
on: September 1, 2012, 10:09

Quote from dasein on August 26, 2012, 20:26
Yeah, I heard about it shortly after he died. Really sad... I wish he had received more recognition in his lifetime. It seemed like with the onset of Internet guitar journalism, there should have been more room for iconoclasts like Reichel, but I guess he played too slow and weird for your typical guitar forum meathead it just wasn't meant to be.

My favorite Reichel is the duo record he did with Tom Cora. The sounds they coax out of their instruments is unreal... now that record has an almost tragic air to it, as both players died too soon.

That was a cool record. I am a big Tom Cora fan, it's why I took up electric cello. I loved the Skeleton Crew stuff with Fred Frith. Tom Cora's stuff just speaks to me in a totally unique manner. He is also a big influence on my friend/bandmate Scott for our work in The Dits. It was a great loss to us when he passed.

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