Tonefiend Forum

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Tonefiend DIY Projects
Tortured by one of this site's officla projects? Share the pain!
Moderators: joe
Topics: 5
Posts: 56
Last post by mikebradley
in Re: Project #1: Bad-Ass Distortion
on December 5, 2018, 18:14
Mods, Hacks & Other Dangerous Behavior
Moderators: joe
Topics: 42
Posts: 199
Last post by boctok
in Tele 4-way wiring with push/pull pots for tapping, can it be done
on April 23, 2015, 12:03
Currently on My Workbench
What's you're building and what you broke.
Moderators: joe
Topics: 17
Posts: 98
Last post by Oinkus
in Re: Refinishing 2014 SG
on June 11, 2016, 03:50
DIY Rescue Unit
Feeble cries for help.
Moderators: joe
Topics: 12
Posts: 73
Last post by BlackMenSEO
in Re: ABY Box on Mammoth Electronics
on July 23, 2018, 00:51

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