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Author Topic: Where to buy a 500K audio taper pot, 1/4" shaft, with power switch?

Posts: 192
Post Where to buy a 500K audio taper pot, 1/4" shaft, with power switch?
on: October 8, 2012, 15:53

My little cheezy tube amp wants me to replace its volume pot as it goes "kchhh-kcchhh" when the volume goes above a fairly low level. Can't seem to find anything suitable in 15 minutes on Google.

Notably, I need one with a split knurled shaft so I can keep the vintage faux-gold volume knob. Don't make me put a chicken head knob on it.


Posts: 192
Post Re: Where to buy a 500K audio taper pot, 1/4" shaft, with power switch?
on: July 4, 2013, 07:37

Never did find the replacement pot, but in my typical fashion, I dropped this project before totally finishing it in favor of something else. As it stands the pot wasn't my biggest problem anyway.

You probably all knew this already, but Small Bear Electronics has a pretty rad (i.e. good) collection of pots. And I will give them a really big thumbs up for responding to my request for a spec sheet showing the PCB layout footprint after normal business hours on the eve of a national holiday!

It looks like some of those pots are custom made for Small Bear as they are not in Alpha's regular online selection.

I really appreciate that kind of service and they are certain to get some of my business.

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