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Author Topic: The "Ennio" pedal

Posts: 192
Post The "Ennio" pedal
on: December 16, 2012, 12:58

As I count it all out, the end result will have between 4 and 9 control knobs. Some might be reduced to switches, such as the Fuzz low end response. Any switch could be combined with a pot as a push/pull control although I don't really like that on a pedal.

Where would YOU compromise on the controls? Do you just gotta have it all?


Posts: 149
Post Re: The "Ennio" pedal, requirements review
on: December 16, 2012, 17:37

You could use stacked pots. They should not be too difficult for most users, stereo manufacturers used tons of stacked pots back in the 79s & 80s and nobody had a problem with them. Also since this is a 3 in 1 pedal you could use a larger enclosure which would have plenty of room for that many controls. The enclosure could easily be as wide as 2 standard pedals side by side with the space needed between them and it would still be a space saver compared to 3 pedal boxes. Personally for me the more controls the better. There are also a lot of mfrs that put a control or 2 inside the box to tweak the FX for the user and people seem happy with that arrangement. A good example would be the trem, I bought one of the Fender Pawn Shop Series Excelsior amps (15 watts and a15" spkr ) it has a trem speed but no depth control and i find I don't miss the depth control at all so it could easily be an internal control if need be or not be there. But from a merchandising view it would probably sell better if the controls were externally available. That being said I do know some guitarists that want less controls so they are less confusing. Maybe make 2 different models one with all the controls and a simpler one that was cheaper with only 3 controls.


Posts: 192
Post Re: The "Ennio" pedal
on: December 16, 2012, 19:49

My own thoughts are 3: fuzz bypass, reverb kill (or switch between 2 presets), and trem on/off.


Posts: 170
Post Re: The "Ennio" pedal, requirements review
on: January 1, 2013, 04:55

ok, back after a couple weeks off the grid. I like what you're spec'ing, but I think this should probably be a two stage design. So, the first build is with maximum control (for those of us who want to use this for multiple purposes/etc). Then, once we've played around with it and locked down the Ennio sound, then I'd build another with with fixed resistors (except for a maybe a final gain/blend) that is just an instant stomp spaghetti. But maybe that's just me. I'm also fine with max control and just painting lines for the Ennio settings.


Posts: 16
Post Re: The "Ennio" pedal, requirements review
on: February 23, 2013, 18:22

Could you use sliders? It'd look a little bit like an eq pedal, or you could mix and match for a bit of mystique! volumes as regular pots, sliders for speed/depth or whatever, it'd also help differentiate when onstage.


Posts: 16
Post Re: The "Ennio" pedal, requirements review
on: February 23, 2013, 21:01

Could you use one of these for switching effect order?


Posts: 236
Post Re: The "Ennio" pedal, requirements review
on: February 24, 2013, 05:44

Put in an extra jack and add a a/b switch. Do that with my DD5 for tempo it is really handy.

Double D

Posts: 195
Post Re: The "Ennio" pedal, requirements review
on: March 30, 2013, 20:47

My guess is that Joe's ideal is bone-simple control-wise, carefully voiced to deliver the specific Morricone-esque tones he love's so much. I'd have an on/off for the fuzz (maybe a fuzz level knob), three knob delay, and two knob trem with a shape switch for a couple of options, with everything tuned in to 'Ennio specs'.


Posts: 192
Post Re: The "Ennio" pedal
on: May 2, 2013, 06:40

Hi kids, sorry I sort of lost the thread on this one for awhile. The biggest stumbling block for me is the reverb. There is the possibility of using something like a Belton brick. That's probably the best bet.


Posts: 170
Post Re: The "Ennio" pedal, requirements review
on: May 3, 2013, 03:44

Awesome! Anything you can do to demystify that side of things for me will be fantastic!

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