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Author Topic: Sad news - Bob Brozman passes
Double D

Posts: 195
Post Sad news - Bob Brozman passes
on: April 25, 2013, 16:18

Noted slide-master and ethnomusicologist Bob Brozman has passed away at the age of 59. Bob's instructional videos taught me everything I needed to know to make a poised start in the world of slide and lap-steel guitar. He was a brilliant man, a terrific player and an entertaining performer. He will be missed by many, the world over.


Posts: 170
Post Re: Sad news - Bob Brozman passes
on: April 26, 2013, 12:19

Holy crap. Such a loss. His playing really inspired me when I first heard him (and still does). I have tickets to see him next month... suck. RIP Bob!

Double D

Posts: 195
Post Re: Sad news - Bob Brozman passes
on: April 27, 2013, 01:42

And now George Jones...what a week. Rest gently gentlemen. Peace.


Posts: 192
Post Re: Sad news - Bob Brozman passes
on: April 30, 2013, 22:16

Back in the mid 80's I attended a music camp given by Ed Denson of Kicking Mule Records, near the Eel River in Garberville, CA. Bob was one of the instructors and I went to his classes even though I do not play anything like what he was teaching. He was just very friendly and entertaining. Years later I was down in Felton and he came driving by in his massive shiny car, Panama hat and Hawaiian shirt. I waved at him and he gave a big smile and waved back like we were old friends. Last I saw him was probably 10 years ago in Santa Cruz - he had a Hawaiian guitar "summit" and featured a couple of resophonic players in their teens.

Very sad to hear the circumstances of his passing - apparently he couldn't play any more without a lot of pain and took his own life.


Posts: 25
Post Re: Sad news - Bob Brozman passes
on: June 30, 2013, 02:53

Im quite saddened to hear of this..I saw BB on a PBS program years ago and was quite impressed...I wish his spirit and survivors well...


Posts: 320
Post Re: Sad news - Bob Brozman passes
on: August 14, 2018, 01:54

A debt of gratitude is in order for the blog entry amigo! Keep them coming... Las Vegas Escorts Milf

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