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Author Topic: in praise of Kelley Deal

Posts: 48
Post in praise of Kelley Deal
on: June 19, 2013, 02:11

went to see The Breeders on their 20th anniversary of Last Splash tour last night. I've seen them play many times before, way back in '93, but last night I happened to be standing in front of Kelley, and while I'd never really thought about it before, she's one heck of a guitarist.

by that I don't mean she's technically a great player - in fact, as with many of my other favourite musicians, she's not slick and you can see a certain amount of effort being involved, but she's certainly got her effects pedals figured out and can get all kinds of great noises from her guitars - in fact, when you think of the acclaim Sonic Youth get, I think she's another great noise guitar player. I mean, she's even got a special long-sleeve sweater for wiping her arms across the strings for the ultimate in slide-your-pick-down-the-string kind of noises. 🙂

she's great on the records too, but it's seeing her doing all the parts in a live setup that was the real eye opener for me. I'd love to see a Rig Rundown on her.

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