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Author Topic: I have no idea what Im doing...

Posts: 5
Post I have no idea what Im doing...
on: August 6, 2012, 06:39

...but I'll get there eventually:

So, now what? (Customizing my New York Pro, finally.)

Anyone know how to get this neck plate un-stuck?



Posts: 5
Post Re: I have no idea what Im doing...
on: August 6, 2012, 06:43


Posts: 47
Post Re: I have no idea what Im doing...
on: August 6, 2012, 12:45

It was probably put on before the lacquer was dry. The options are to use heat energy, mechanical energy, or chemical energy.

Try heating the whole thing up a little with a hair dryer, or VERY CAREFULLY with a heat gun, and see if it loosens. There is a chance that you could mar the finish if too much heat is applied.

The danger with mechanical force is scratching the finish. You could try to use a rubber mallet to shift it. Apply the force sideways to move it across the back of the guitar. You might be able to get some mechanical leverage through the holes for the screws, but the countersink leaves little shelf for lateral contact.

Finally, you could apply a solvent, but it would strip the finish. This, of course, would require you spend the time and money to re-finish.

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