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Author Topic: on tiger river

Posts: 23
Post on tiger river
on: August 26, 2012, 23:24

Here's an attempt at a soundtrack cue, ripe for re-recording.
Pls forgive the faux jungle atmospherics -- I think I was trying to express a "never get off the boat" kind of vibe.
And the bass line -- not happy with that either. Any advice welcome.
And the drum track -- written to midi piano roll, and sounds like it. Obviously I am no drummer.
So, too short to stand on its own? Needs another part?


Posts: 192
Post Re: on tiger river
on: August 27, 2012, 10:26

I liked the sound. I don't think it needs another part. If anything I would introduce a few more random elements about 2/3 of the way in, perhaps around the time the major chord comes in... because at that point, I became optimistic that I might get out of here alive, but OH MY GOD FLESH EATING ZOMBIES (doesn't have to be that dramatic though).

At one point I listened to a lot of Patrick O'Hearn, who (yeah OK he was in Missing Persons) did a lot of electronic New Age/ambient type things and he'd put in these sounds like thunder a mile away. I don't know what it was, but he'd put a ton of reverb on it and sort of put it in the background.

I'd like to hear some small development/variations in the drum part and background sounds, because yes it is a little too predictable. And that could consist of either adding things or dropping them out. Setting up a repetitive pattern for awhile can lull the unsuspecting - so drop one of the sounds, or keep it in and just change what the sound is, or... all of the above. In such a spare piece, making little changes can add a lot to the interest.

The percussion dropping out suddenly towards the end was a bit jarring - try a fade.

Finally, if we could have a pterodactyl flying by right before the end, well that would just seal the deal for me.

I did not focus on the bass part and so it couldn't have been that bad. Sometimes a supporting part just needs to stay that way and not try too hard to draw attention to itself.

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