I’m psyched to announce a new guitar mag from some of the smartest and coolest folks in the industry.
Pure Guitar is a new online-only publication spearheaded by my friend and music-journalism mentor, Jas Obrecht. He’s rounded up a stellar team of writers and players — including my pals and former Guitar Player magazine colleagues Tom Wheeler, Tom Mulhern, and Jon Sievert — for what promises to be…well, I’ll let Jas tell you:
Our goal is to create a new breed of guitar magazine. Exclusively electronic, Pure Guitar will blend literate, in-depth journalism with the latest technological advancements available to online and mobile app users. We’ll bring you beautiful graphics, audio, video, and links to happenings in the wide, wonderful world of guitar….
From the start, we’ve imagined Pure Guitar as part Smithsonian, part old-school guitar magazine, part music channel, and a fun, informative place to hang out. In upcoming issues, we’ll cover provocative, inspiring guitarists in all genres, from legendary players to artists you haven’t yet encountered. We’ll bring you lessons and insights from highly accomplished teachers and artists; guitar lore not only from respected historians but also from the players, designers, and manufacturers who made history; career tips; gear reviews; and much more.
And guess what? Jas and company have produced exactly that, a publication that’s old-school in substance and new-school in implementation. I’m so proud that this inaugural issue includes two articles originally from tonefiend: About Those Expensive Picks… and Fingerstyle Boot Camp.

There — I fixed it.
Speaking of Jas, be sure to check out the astonishing back catalog of historic stories at the Jas Obrecht Music Archive. Since the ’70s, Jas has set the standard for detail, accuracy, and passion in musician interviews. He’s not some self-important blogger posting self-indulgent crap like, say, me. Jas is the real deal.
Oh boy! Another outlet for my incessant rambling.
I took Jas O’s “Blues” class at DeAnza College many years ago. All I remember is “Lightnin’ change when Lightnin’ want to change”. I use that sometimes when I get lost while playing with other people.
That’s great news! I’ve read almost everything on Jas’ archive, so it’ll be good to read some new stuff from him. No one interviews with an eye to history like Jas, and he was instrumental in hipping me to some artists I wouldn’t have discovered otherwise, some whom I would later meet and play with. Can’t wait to check it out!
Yeah, same here. I learned a lot from Jas.
Wow, great to have the old guard back.
Hey, thanks for the kind words, Joe, Larry, and Double D. I’ve just had to redirect the Archive traffic to the magazine, due to the sudden disappearance of all of my html. Rather than rebuild the Archive, those articles will soon be in a “From the Archive” section on the Pure Guitar website. And Joe, thanks for the great contributions to Issue #1.
Which leads us to today’s philosophical question: Can the world have too much Joe Gore? :whatever: I think not.
Sweet! LOVED reading Jas’ articles in Guitar Player back in the mid 90’s when I was a young budding guitarist, just learning about the wide wide world of gear!
I once bought a photo of Neneh Cherry on eBay, and lo and behold, it came from Jas Obrecht! Just making sure there wasn’t two people with that name, I asked him if he was the the former editor of Guitar Player, and yep, that was he.
I’ll have to check this magazine out!
Jas is my hero. Sorry he parted with that Neneh photo, though — I think I remember an early-’90s conversation about how “Buffalo Stance” sounded way cooler than . . . well, some of the guitar-oriented things we were compelled to cover. :pity:
Looks like Pure Guitar has gone the way of the dodo , can’t seem to load the page or find it anywhere. That just sux out loud.
Yep — folded after a mere three issues. 🙁