“We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives.” — Criswell, Plan 9 from Outer Space
UPDATE: Wow, I can’t believe all the cool stuff folks have been posting to comments. I find myself feeling quite inspired about the future of instrument — when I’m not laughing so hard I spit coffee all over my laptop. Thanks for all great ideas. Keep ’em coming! 🙂 :thumbup:
Prophecy is for suckers. Who’s stupid enough to go on record with bold prognostications about the future of music and music-making, given the near-certainty that the words will reappear someday to bite you on the ass?
Well, me. And, I hope, you.
So I invite my fellow foolhardy loudmouths to join me in sharing their half-assed guesses wise and well-informed predictions about our brave new fretboard future.
The author of the most compelling prediction wins one of my hand-built stompboxes. So does the author of the one that makes me laugh hardest.
Post your predictions to comments. I’ll go first. 🙂
Modeling pickups. Many guitars will have ultra-hi-fi, full-frequency pickups combined with digital filters that let them mimic the properties of many different pickups. It’s a mystery to me why this product doesn’t exist already.
Tones you can touch. Laptops will be supplanted by ever-more-powerful tablets, and digital musicians will shape tones with fingertips, not trackpads.
21st-century Keytars. More DJs will use guitars with MIDI pickups as controllers. Yeah, they’ll be doing it somewhat ironically. But they’ll be doing it.
Low-gain pickups for heavy rock and metal. Metalheads will do more than pay lip service to Sabbath, and rediscover how bad-ass low-gain pickups through high-gain pedals and amps can sound.
This, please. I hope I never have to hear another bloody EMG 81 for the rest of my days. My Telecaster does heavy music incredibly well – especially in low tunings.
Yeah, I probably should have posted in to the “Wishful Thinking” thread rather than the predictions one, since I don’t have any reason to expect it to happen. But we can dream, can’t we? 😉
Just wondering, since I’m not that much of a metal guy… What pedal would you recommend for that? I’m guessing the Fiendmaster would be a nice option, but never got round to finishing it… 🙁
Well, the Fiendmaster will definitely get you an early Sabbath sound!
I guess I’ll give it a second try, then. Multimeterland, here I come!!
Ok, I finally finished it (PCB- based, though, so it’s a slightly different design…) and it sounds AWESOME!! Can’t attest to its metalness, but had a blast playing “Ironman”. Thanks again!!
Oh, I’m so glad!
I love that circuit so much. It really is my favorite overdrive ever. 🙂
Everlasting strings made from synthetic diamond. No metal required as the pickups will use lasers
I think the all-powerful Washington D.C. guitar-string lobby will nix that one. I tell you, man — D’Addario and GHS run that frickin’ town! :cuckoo:
Some guitarists will incorporate laptops, using granular and spectral effects (both of which will also be available as pedals), while others will continue to maintain long into the 23rd Century that nothing sounds as good as a Les Paul or a Strat through a Marshall.
For vintage die-hards who nevertheless feel themselves to have one foot in the future, tube circuitry, arranged as a giant thermionic computer/DSP logic circuit (covering several football fields), simulating a Fender Deluxe from 1950.
Given the vast power consumption requirements, legions of hippies will arrive to protest the very-un-green design. A stage will emerge from the ground, along with all of the typical trappings of music festival arcana.
The computer will start processing everyone’s biorhythm a la Pete Townshend’s Lifehouse and incorporating those elements into the synthetic backing tracks and auto-tune algorithms. Everyone’s molecules will start vibrating in rhythm and cross rhythm util a state of pure elevated bliss is achieved and all such ionized particles (that is, the festival participants) will become part of the plating of the next generation of tubes which are already in production on the other side of the parking lot.
“Lego” Pedals and Amps
Standardized wiring “harnesses” and interchangeable components will allow companies to produce amp cabinets and pedal cases that consumers will purchase, in addition to compartmentalized circuits. The consumers will “design” their own pedals and amps by mixing and matching that various parts. Combine an optical compressor and a germanium boost. An octave up and a chorus. And that’s just pedals. Imagine what could be done by mixing and matching tone stacks, reverb and delay, or pre amp circuits in amps? Built in analog effects your amp, just by plugging in the components. Everyone and anyone will be able to piece together their own custom circuit, no solder, no muss, no fuss.
+1, I’ve been playing with this idea for awhile. The circuits are modular, but built into a pedalboard with programmable settings for managing circuit loops, programs, etc – preferably connected to a touchpad display for interactively building or switching live.
Got any pics or audio to share? 🙂
‘idea’ 🙂 – I have lots of scattered drawings and scribbles in my notebooks. I’m still searching for a cheap and easy-to-program digital control/switching mechanism that I can try to build something around. Then I need to, ya know, learn math. I keep coming back around to the concept though in my scheming.
I’d like to apologize for my grammar on that last post. Never type extended thoughts on a tiny screen. On to my second prediction.
Crowd Sourced Products
With services like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, we’re going to see more and more pedals, pickups, and even guitars funded and even designed by consumers. VFE pedals offers a “Signature Series” pedal design service, and a custom shop that they are running an expansion campaign for, with incentives such as additional options on products, and new pedals designed in conjunction with the companies fans on facebook. In the near future, we’ll see more and more smaller companies asking consumers what niche they need filled and if they’d like to be a part of the process. At least, I hope so.
+1 on Crowd Sourcing! I’ve supported a couple of those (one which met its goals, the other one didn’t).
I agree that this is a really exciting development. 🙂
In the Year Two ThousAAAAANNND! All guitar players wishing to perform on stage will be forced to play in uber-tight purple jeans. This will lead to an underground movement of comfortable-panted concerts that will be bootlegged on casette tape so that they cannot be tracked to the original owners. Interestingly enough, these events will have little effect on musicianship or the search for bitchin’ tone.
Unlimited pickup wiring. EBMM has a guitar called the Game Changer which allows you to program any combination of pickup coils (series, parallel, out of phase, etc.) It’s a cool idea (basically the Jimmy Page system taken to its ultimate level), but currently only available on that guitar. I predict it will eventually be available for any guitar (Stratocasters and Les Pauls first, I imagine), ideally with modular control configurations. It should be pretty easy to implement – all the technology’s here already and quite cheap.
More info here: https://gamechanger.music-man.com/home.eb
8- bit revival: Hey, young guitar slinger, remember the legendary tones of Zelda® on your NES®? Neither do our engineers, but we’ve recreated them! Our new line of stompboxes with vintage asbestos insulation (it’s well- known that industrial- grade asbestos is what gave those glorious tunes their tone)emulate the sound of yesterdecade!
LOL — I actually use a bunch of 8-bit (and lower) guitar sounds with my band, Mental 99. I use the Bitcrusher plug-in in Logic/MainStage. It’s a real interesting type of distortion. Going to have to work up a post on that!
In fact, I posted this while thinking of the evening I spent watching videos of 8-bit pedals. Definitely an acquired taste, but I’ll give the bitcrusher a try!
The bitcrushing works nicely in a looping contedt, where you can layer the trashy sound with more hi-fi ones. Just playing through a bit-reduction effect with no contrast would get tiresome pretty quickly!
I predict that as CNC machining diffuses everywhere, and perhaps as fair trade practices eventually become the norm worldwide, there will come a day when nobody cares where the hell their guitars are made, because they’ll ALL be awesomely put together, even if they’re still relatively slavish copies of stuff Leo Fender designed.in the.increasingly.distant past…
That’s sort of already true! A few decades ago, I’d caution my students not to buy cheap Asian guitars. “Just save up till you can get a Fender or Gibson,” I’d advise. Now it’s, “Buy a Squier or an Epi, whatever. They’re all pretty decent, and you can fix what you don’t like.”
I agree, this has already happened. Though, when it comes to Asian guitars I think the Koreans have the better instruments. Seems there’s a price point of about $400 to $500 where all of a sudden you get a great instrument. Money spent after that is just paying for the name brand, marketing, and endorsements.
3D sound mixing: See your tones literally grow fatter and bigger! The all- new Neve® Feelie mixer incorporates a real-time, interactive 3D printer-controller, letting you literally mould your sound. Want rough? Scratch it! Want mellow? Buff it! Because sometimes you can’t trust your ears or eyes when mixing your tunes!
Yeah, but does it take 36 hours to render a 30-second audio clip? 😉
And you have to factor all the elbow grease it’ll take to polish it…
Also, my phone will cease inserting periods arbitrarily when posting.
Hmmm… Not too sure about that, man! :S
Yeah, this isn’t the sci-fi thread, man! 😉
Air guitar: A movement sensor/ accelerometer/ facial expression reader on the musician’s clothes interprets his/ her gestures into legendary guitar phrases. Look hot AND sound hot!!
you can get part of that here: https://www.notreble.com/buzz/2012/07/27/source-audio-introduces-hot-hand-3-universal-wireless-effects-controller/
I haven’t tried it, but I plan to get one and use with my violin on my bowing hand. It should allow some cool bow dynamics.
Neat idea! Fingerpicking will never the same with one of those bad boys…
Little plastic guitars, with 3 brightly coloured buttons. Harking back to a time when music was made with crude wooden instruments.
Ooh, shiny!
“WiFi” for musical kit. A standard wireless digital audio serial protocol, so you can route signals between instruments, processors, and sound producers without cabling seems fairly inevitable in the near future. It’ll start with the home user. Just pick up your instrument and play through your flat screen TV routed via your iPad amp modeller with no wires needed.
The decline of the guitar solo would be nice (as people realise 99% of them add no value to a song)
We can dream. :satansmoking:
After playing through an AxeFX I have to say that the NEXT generation of modeling is going to change everything. Also gesture control is fixing to get cheap and a whole lot better. We are within a few years of computers being able to design themselves better than we can. So look for a huge leap forward in circuit design. Honestly it’s a great time to be alive, if we can keep up. 😉
I’ve really been meaning to beg or borrow an AxeFX. Several players I really trust love it. My concern is the editing environment. Seems like it would be real restrictive compared to strictly software-based systems like MainStage.
What would you consider some cool examples of gesture control?
For those that don’t know gesture control is like what you see in the movie Minority Report. Using just your hands to control the computer in real time. A couple of months ago I read an article that they have a new chip that can be added to almost any computer that can sense where each of your fingers are. You can draw and edit in a 3D environment. I doubt any of us will be using a mouse or touch screens in a few years.
I’m thinking that we could see a small device on a guitar strap that would allow control of amp settings, effects, even lighting on stage, in real time. I’m also thinking as this technology progresses the rise of virtual instruments, and even completely different ways of recording music.
AS far as the AxeFX, I didn’t get to try editing but from what they were telling me you can do a lot. I was very impressed with how real it was, the feel and sound. It’s a big leap from what I’ve played before.
Oh. Right. A pair of totally excellent time travelers have already discovered that, in the future, it will be proven that air guitar solves global warming. Worth mentioning.
Any and all tone processors will cost $0.99. Music? It’ll be free.
Guitars and musical equipment will move to an a la carte system , you will choose what you want from the menu and they will build it to your choices.
As in, “Please leave off your ugly frickin’ logo!” :satansmoking:
[IMG]https://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa400/KenoMazuer/th_008.jpg[/IMG] When I finish a guitar like my Strat(Formerly a Fender HM Strat) I remove the logo from the headstock.
I forgot to add in that you would also have it delivered via SAME DAY SHIPPING !
After the current 80’s revivalism works through in pop music, we’re on the verge of the 25-year musical look-back shifting into the early 90’s. Accordingly, kids these days will play an oddly filtered version of the then-current oddly filtered version of the 70s that was played in the 90s. So watch out for such possible train wrecks as teenagers covering Sabbath in platform shoes, sequined pants, and feather boas.
Corollary: feigned irony in 90’s-era 70’s worship will be dropped. Example: Urge Overkill played “Girl You’ll be a Woman” because they secretly loved Barry Manilow, not because they were trying to be cool. In a few years Manilow will achieve apotheosis.
sorry to be picky, but it was Neil Diamond, not Barry Manilow – but you’re right, UO are genuine Diamond-fans (their launch show for the “Saturation” album even had a Neil Diamond tribute act as opener), and weren’t trying to be ironic in covering “Girl…”.
signed, your Urge Overkill superfan in residence, Jeremy 🙂
Oh man — Pink Sabbath! My new favorite band!
Oh — make that Pink Sabbath®. I just ran out and registered the trademark.
Oh crap — they beat me to it: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pink-Sabbath/323459685412?v=info
They’ll be hearing from my lawyers!
the world will be at one with low wattage amps…their high power cousins will be considered dinosaurs and completely unusable
amps will still be SS (both hybrid and emulator) vs tube…however, these will be the golden years for tubes come 2020
guitars…nothing will be much different…Les Paul is still the Les Paul from the 50’s…same with the strat…the great ez sees no change in guitars…
I think/hope that there will be a 21st century revisiting of blended digital/analog devices – effects units with digital switching of analog circuitry. Similar to my above comments on Thecoslar’s post, you have a range of circuit options that you can customize and control to suit your preferences. Digitech came pretty close to this 15 years ago (2120,2112) and those units still sound better than the majority of digital models that have been since introduced.
Yeah, digital/analog hybrids are an area of great interest to me. Because I’m feeling way too schizo veering between my current all-analog and all-digital setups!
onboard brain. Onboard processing and control will increase. Joe’s prediction of pickup filters, thomas4th’s of switching, cms’s wifi, my comments about improved switching, and our collective dabbling in onboard effects are all limited by closed systems and mechanical switching. The new line 6 jtv lines demonstrate some of cool onboard processing capabilities, but again, it’s a pretty closed system. I’d like to see digitally controlled internal and external switching controllable from the guitar (something like a slim ipad touch screen) and/or a wirelessly connected interface (ipad for the time being). The drawback of a purely touch interface is player sweat, but if there in an internal switching system, you could use a combination of preset buttons on the guitar and full control from other interfaces. So in the end, you can employ both analog and digital chains, manage pickup switching, onboard/offboard effects, etc from an intuitive interface.
horrible grammar, and that should read ipod touch screen
Yeah, I’m thinking something similar. In fact, I may try switching my live digital rig from a laptop to a Mac Mini + iPad, using screen-sharing.
Realtime online jamming will be so cool…
ejamming is already pretty dern cool , did the beta was alot of fun. Played with people all over the world with very little effort. Ejamming.com if you have never heard of it.
Forgive me being so retro.
Retro: It’s the new . . . not retro. 😉
Kemper style guitar emulation – a variation on the line 6 variax, but with the ability to connect the internal computer/hard drive to any guitar, download it’s “tone” and recreate it.
In 25 years a few people will be willing to pay a few grand for a Gibson Firebird X.
Yeah, but what’s the inflation rate? I mean, would a few grand still buy a decent burrito?
Wooden instruments and tube amps will continue to serve a shrinking audience for some time, supply dwindling and prices climbing until eventually winding up in the realm of the despotic-world-rulers-only club. Meth lab operators will turn some or all of their production space towards rejuvenation or outright manufacture of vacuum tubes.
Someone is pretty soon going to come up with the $99 “eplousynthotrozonic” guitar, made from recycled plastic and metal, all molded one piece, with a good setup, fulfilling the needs of entry-level strummers with electric, acoustic, piezo, synth and amp modeling all in one lightweight and durable device. You and your audience will groove together over Bluetooth.
1) Hiring a DJ to play a wedding reception, instead of a live band, will be classified as a felony.
2) The guitarist will supplant the vocalist as the pop-music focal point. The singer will become an easily replaceable, semi-anonymous component in the musical ensemble of the future.
3) The guitarist will get all the girls (guys).
Guitar playing robots! Tube robots of course. Solid state robots have no soul.
Like Boilerplate? https://www.bigredhair.com/boilerplate/
I don’t think all that much will change: youth will continue to spit out the influences of their youth in highly personal, modified form; the present obsession with indie folk-rock will wane and be replaced by something else. Genre-mixing will continue apace, fuelled by the download culture’s instant access to just about anything. Commercial pop will continue to vomitous and the alternatives will continue to subvert the dominant paradigm(s).
In the gear world, the smaller-is-better ethos will continue, reflecting the ever smaller venues. More and more players will have their gear built by local solder-heads or just do it themselves. Asian imports will continue to improve in quality and become ubiquitous. Some players will remain committed to the old standards (tube amp and classic American design guitar), whilst other will pursue software based solutions.
Everything old will become new again in some corrupted form, so get ready for the next wave of cheesy hair metal to return as soon as the economy improves enough for people to start getting stoopid again.
So basically, more of same.
By the year 2020, “You rock guitar” will dominate the gear landscape. The company will pay top dollars to every musician declaring it the best instrument in the music history. Features such as guitar shaking to solo converters, and one button staircase to haven will become standard.
Old Anus Young himself will endorse it. Pentatonic Visual Basic will become de-facto standard in the YRG world and experienced musicians will program their performances with it. Starters will simply improvise using multi-finger gestures to trigger the licks. To diversify playing YRG will use random seeds in licks generators and models playing more advanced licks will become the elite and the pro versions.
The necks will be still using cardboard and silicon wastes from plumbing manufacturers but the 32 million internal sounds will compensate for that. The online store with downloadable licks will work seamlessly upon insertion of credit card into the guitar slot.
Most people won’t even notice that the second 16 million sounds are the same as the first 16 million.
Telepathic tone
A rack mount unit with an input for your guitar and another for a band of sensors that read brain activity. Specific frequency boosts? Imagine the waveform in your head and there it is. Rhythm synced modulation or delay effects? Your brain naturally follows the beat of the song, half the work is already done. Have a tone in mind you just can’t get? If it’s on your mind it’s in your rig. Whatever you think, that’s what happens to your signal.
In the future our brains will have an output jack (jacks for vintage fans, kids will use WiFi :whatever: ) to plug into a freaking cell phone, the Fractal Axe will be a mobile app but chances are the open source software comunity may already have their own free clone by then. However discussions about tube vs solid state amps will continue till the end of time, unless we lear how to broadcast music directly as brain waves.
weird enoguh?
(Two entries OK?)
A heavyset Asian rapper will invent a stompbox dance, combining air guitar with rhythmically stomping an imaginary pedalboard. (The hook will involve wagging one’s foot over an imaginary wah pedal, while making a comical “wah” mouth movement.) The accompanying song and video will feature supermodels, old folks, little kids, celebrities, retired politicians all across the world, strumming, stomping, and wah-ing to the happy electronic beat. New YouTube records will be set.
The future?
People start making more and more guitars out of junk. As mass production of components and effects gives people the same tools an increasing number of people will recycle… Woodwork will replace circuit bending as the leading edge of instrument development, which in turn might lead to people using non-trad materials like lab grown bio-carbon… The neck is literary a neck, the head, etc… What metal peeps wouldn’t want a axe made out of a skull?
Often looking back is the way to look forward. Medieval string musicians used to rest the resonators on furniture notable drastically increasing the resonant volume of the music (try it – some pitches project better than others)… Perhaps future gigs will use the venue as the speaker…. Omnipresent sound that changes direction based on the resonant pockets of a room. Could be trippy.
All trace of The Eagles will slip between the waves…
I love all those ideas, actually. And thinks for hipping me to your cool mag.
Yes — the furniture trick absolutely works.
Thank you sir for tone fiend… Always a tremendous delight!
Let us pray.
Amen, brother…
Oh yeah and people won’t broadcast music they’ll project the experience of playing gigs… People will pay for the virtual experience of being an idolised musician and won’t care about what it sounds like… Sad but true. :shake:
I’d pay a fortune to stand in front of Duke Ellington’s Orchestra. Facing away from the audience, naturally. :pacman:
There has been R&D in multi-state logic going on for many years (multi-state logic means more logic states 4-8 or more than the currently used bi-state logic which has only 1 & 0 as possible states). Multi-state logic can process much more data per cycle of the cpu which will allow far more processing power. This alone could really improve things like digital FX making them sound better. However I think this multi-state logic R&D will help to improve analog devices as well causing a revolution in analog processing as analog is basically digital with an infinite number of bits and at infinite sampling rate (the main hitch in multi-state logic is being able to sense a wider range of voltage levels accurately and reproducibly). It may well be that DSP’s could be replaced by analog signal processors that are built on ICs. This could also lead to analog synths that support polyphony of 16 voices or even many times that. The real beauty of this is that there would be no latency whatsoever (old school analog computers performed their computations in a single cycle regardless of the complexity of the problem). I believe the 3D printers will be used to make the custom audio processors which will eliminate the need to produce millions of each ICs to be economical and allow custom devices to be cost effective.
All that being said I feel that real guitars, analog FX and tube amps will still be used heavily by many players. Music is art and will continue to utilize any good tool to create it. There are still people painting with oils , sculpting clay and stone, and violins that are centuries old are still used to create music. Art is different from manufacturing and always will be. There will be new devices available but I don’t see them as replacements but rather as an additional tools.
Your conclusion is pretty insightful. My later college years marked the point when I started playing and writing songs within a fairly standard rock format. Soon after graduation, I was in a music store and saw a demonstration of a MIDI keyboard. I was floored and was drooling so much that the sales guy said, “here, I have a copy of the MIDI spec” which he gave to me. At the same time, I was working with SMPTE serial protocols for control of video editing equipment and it all came together in my mind as to how it worked.
In the mid-80s I got a Roland MPU-401 MIDI interface for my home built PC clone and spent the next 4 or 5 years writing a 24 track sequencer program (in DOS!) and used it with different synths and drum machines as I could afford them.
What I found at that time, which came as a bit of a humbling moment, was that my limitation was no longer the sounds and rhythms available to me, but my own creativity. I wrote better songs easier (in general) when all I had was a guitar and a cassette recorder because I wasn’t getting lost in technical mumbo jumbo. I still had a good time because part of my creativity “jones” was satisfied by technical creation.
Somewhere in the mid to late 80’s I think the same thing happened with keyboard technology. Early analog synths, although touted as being able to make “any sound known to man”, really couldn’t. The DX-7 wasn’t it either, although it succeeded like few products have as it was a jump ahead of analog (who can forget the “train” patch?).
Somewhere along the line, you started to be able to get realistic piano sounds and synths and basses and surf and helicopters and blah blah blah and again, the limitation/challenge for the keyboard player was NOT the technology.
Which reminds me, which general MIDI sound card from the early 90’s had the best helicopter patch? I thought the Ensoniq was pretty bitchen in that regard.
About ten years ago, after playing fretted string instruments for 20 years, I decided I could play the violin because the fingering was the same as mandolin. WRONG. It was really flipping hard and difficult and I gave up and sold it. I was sad because I think that the violin is incredibly expressive – and some of that may well be due to the difficulty of its learning curve.
What I see is a general tendency of people wanting things to be “easier” – the one which drives me up a tree is online news stories rendered as videos instead of a written article. So, surely technology can already make things easier, like the Line 6 modeling amps entry level stuff, which now look like toys. Hey with a couple button pushes you can get that way metal sound and your parents didn’t even break the bank to get you there. “Rock Band”, or whatever this video game thing is called, is an example of heading in the wrong direction. Yes, we’ve made it easier for people to feel like they can participate with nothing more than basic ear-eye-hand coordination. We are missing the point by a wide mark if we are calling this encouraging creativity.
I find the balance or interaction between creativity and technology to be interesting, for sure. Yet I think creativity and being able to express ideas in sound which touch other people exists in spite of technological advances which make getting “those sounds” easier. And, given people’s competitive nature, I hope many people will continue to choose a path which is not easy, to get to a place where their musical expression really is identifiably personal.
Which reminds me, which general MIDI sound card from the early 90′s had the best helicopter patch? I thought the Ensoniq was pretty bitchen in that regard.
I used to do warranty service for Ensoniq back then and one of the failure modes of several of the keyboards was producing a continuous an extremely loud helicopter like thumpa thumpa as soon as you powered it up. It really pissed off a lot of users. For a while there was a big problem with QC on their repaired modules which was a drag because they wouldn’t let you stock the modules but sent them out when you had a bad one to replace. I had one poor customer that I went thru 3 bad modules before the finally sent me a good one. Fortunately I spent time with the head of service previously when he worked for Nicolet Instruments (chemical analysis spectrometer manufacturer) so he knew I had the chops to fix the keyboards and they didn’t hesitate to rush out replacements. But that was nothing compared to the problems with the keyboard modules themselves which I finally figured out and started fixing myself with a mod that made them not break anymore (and fixed a few dozen for them as well). At least I made a lot of money and they liked me so much they gave me a free Ensoniq (can’t remember the model but it was close to the top of the line) but I sold it right away and bought my kid a computer with the cash (an original Pentium she was the coolest kid on the block). They tried to hire me but I didn’t want to move.
My favorite saying comes to mind in this instance. People (are just like water) , they follow the path of least resistance. PoLR is a tried and true formula for getting what you want quickly with little effort , not much for discovery or artistic genius. Hard work and honesty are things of the past , when the industry standards were updated to lie , cheat and steal , I pretty much gave up on music.
I once thought about the flux capacitor pickups that would go on a Parker McFly guitar… Wouldn’t that be an awesome tribute crazy cool idea to have a modelling pickup ??
I meant “an awesome tribute and a crazy cool idea…” :what:
Addendum to earlier post: The soon-to-be-viral “stompbox dance” video will also include the “squat, squint, and knob-twiddle” move, familiar to all modern electric guitarists.
The Hello Kitty company will manage to get one of those ridiculous patents that the patent office is currently handing out like candy on Halloween. This will force all guitar manufacturers to only make guitars painted with the Hello Kitty design. After eventually working it’s way up to the Supreme Court Hello Kitty will win an injunction to compel all owners of guitars to also have their guitars painted with the Hello Kitty design. Further there will be those that attempt to avoid the paint job with removable decals but that will only result in heavy fines and public embarrassment. Joe Bonamasa will quit playing guitar and sell his 50’s Les Pauls and other vintage gutiars for a mere pittance rather than see his beloved axes covered in the pink Hello Kitty design. Joe Bonamasa will then switch over to oboe and midi-accordion which will actually propel his popularity to new heights albeit on cruise ships. In at least a semblance of rightness Ted Nugent will be forced to give up the stupid camo cowboy hats for Hello Kitty cowboy hats which will suit him admirably. The only happy people will be Joe Gore, a lot of preteen girls and a surprisingly large number of middle aged Japanese men.
I would buy a Hello Kitty Hallmark Swept Wing if I could!
I would play the hell out of a Hello Kitty Gibson Marauder.
Totally perfect and satisfyingly simulated A-class power amp distortion amp -with cross-adjustable germanium/silicone rectifier scheme including fully controllable negative feedback circuit- modeling software will once make my (who-knows-how-many-times-risen-from-dead) spider-man-stickered electric solidbody Landola sing like I was on stage at Fillmore East-West just before I was born. My Iphone 666 speakers will make my bellbottoms flap while handsfree headset can provide minutes and minutes of that sweetly variating triple stop fuzz-wah-straight feedback while nurses fix my catheter.
And the free LE edition will incude this all. The brutally realistic solid state modeling and simulations of later 20th century microchip pedals and synth guitars or early 21st century pre 128-bit guitar wonders would cost extra.
OK with this nonsense. Just recalled how I once wrote of year 2000 in my early school years. Mandrake the Magician hasn’t saved us all yet with his crystal cubes of Xanadu…
I just saw a video where a emotionally unstable dude with IPHONE software looper and his own voice made such a wall of sound that whole symphony orchestra could hardly compete. If somebody invents voice to MIDI converter and easy way to switch patches and manage loops, I believe the popularity of this “instrument” will surpass conventional instruments, especially brass and woodwind, quite soon.
Got a link, by any chance? 🙂
A control device will be added, which senses ‘guitar sex gurn face’, and dependent on the extremity of the expression, will psychadelically cause sound to be visible and tangible, hanging in the air like smoke waves.
Oh god I hope so… I wait for the day when guitar-gurn = autotune…
Without wanting to get TOO silly there was French guy called Roland Barthes that spoke about the positivist tendencies of the even hardest of scientists to lean correctively when bowling – with that – “for the love of god curve left ya bastard” feeling – and it’s the same when you’re going for the pitch harmonic bend that’ll end humanity… Total gurn face! 🙂
Très droll. 🙂