Can you believe it’s almost March? But February won’t officially creak to its conclusion until we announce the winner of the first big prize in our Secret Room giveaway. Yep — come the first, we will be awarding a $1,000 Godin Natural Summit CT to the author of the most most popular user-submitted tone secret, as judged by all the other players who have submitted tone secrets. And there are well over 500 of them — and mostly really good ones!
You can still influence the outcome — and learn an INSANE amount about tone, technique, gear, and DIY. If you’ve already submitted a secret and obtained a password, there’s still time to vote for your fave secrets. And if you haven’t yet checked out the Secret Room, learn more here.
I really appreciate all the tips. Thanks guys and gals. And Joe for putting it all together.
I like cheap and I like non-mainstream, and what you can do with a quarter and a 9 volt battery!
Tone is King, how you get there is the journey…..never endingt!
Learning alot from the Secret Room.
Nice work, Joe! :thumbup: