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Author Topic: Project #2: Bulk Fuzz
Posts: 224
Post Project #2: Bulk Fuzz
on: May 17, 2013, 10:25

Tonefiend DIY Club: Projects & Resources


Posts: 1
Post Re: Project #2: Bulk Fuzz
on: March 27, 2014, 21:55

Hi Joe, awesome write up on these projects. I'm glad you took the time to put these together.

I'm doing my first build and I choose project 2. I built the circuit on perfboard and checked it using a breadboard, as you described n the first project. Everything worked fine using the breadboard but I'm having a very difficult time getting it working in the box. Testing with a multimeter it looks like the voltage only drops in the area where the signal goes into the board and around the tone control. Am I correct to assume that because it worked on the breadboard that the problem can't be on the perfboard itself? any suggestions where I should look. As far as I can tell if the problem is not on the perfboard then it must be coming from the signal input?

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