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Author Topic: Project #5: "Super-Fiend" Fuzz Face
Posts: 224
Post Project #5: "Super-Fiend" Fuzz Face
on: May 17, 2013, 10:27

Tonefiend DIY Club: Projects & Resources

Posts: 224
Post Re: Project #5: "Super-Fiend" Fuzz Face
on: May 17, 2013, 17:31

So everyone's Fuzz Face came out perfectly? No one needs help? 😉


Posts: 6
Post Re: Project #5: "Super-Fiend" Fuzz Face
on: May 20, 2013, 13:16

I will be starting mine sometime this week. Had to wait for the transistors to arrive, so I worked on the enclosures first. An experiment in flake paint... Not bad. Not photos yet.

Posts: 224
Post Re: Project #5: "Super-Fiend" Fuzz Face
on: May 21, 2013, 19:43

Ooh — let's see! 🙂


Posts: 84
Post Re: Project #5: "Super-Fiend" Fuzz Face
on: May 25, 2013, 15:22

I started 7! but got side lined by work, I also ran out of 33K resistors. I have 30K and 36K on hand. RS sells them in a small pack, but they're 1/2 watt variety, which would work fine but the parts are giant; they also sell $15 pack with of 100 resistors, 5 of which are 33K. I think I might just eek it out with what I have on hand.

Will be getting back to this project next week. I made one board with sockets for both transistors and the input and output caps. My plan at the moment, and we'll see if this pans out, is to use the board with sockets to test values then solder parts into the other boards. I have a couple friends that expressed interests in Fuzz boxes. One guy plays bass, so I'm the socketed board will let tailor values for individuals and their instruments.

Posts: 224
Post Re: Project #5: "Super-Fiend" Fuzz Face
on: May 27, 2013, 11:09

Dude! Come on over and snag any spare parts you want! I have a lifetime supply of 33Ks. Well, 100 or so, anyway. 🙂


Posts: 6
Post Re: Project #5: "Super-Fiend" Fuzz Face
on: June 3, 2013, 14:25

Finished up one (I am making two for friends) and it sounds like ASS... Not in the good way. Need to check it out more. Using 2N404a transistors. Substituted a 100K for the Volume. Is there a layout for the enclosure? I did not do a great drill job on this one and will be drilling a new enclosure. I got the pots holes spaced properly but failed to get the pots close enough to the top for the input and output jacks to fit. Of course, I also placed my switch too far from the bottom and that jammed it all up too. I can use the enclosure for some other build that doesn't have the board mounted to the pots...

Anyway, a nice pdf of the drill layout would be nice if either of you (Joe or Super-Freq) have one. Thanks.

camaro guy

Posts: 4
Post Re: Project #5: "Super-Fiend" Fuzz Face
on: June 11, 2013, 10:03

I was wondering about the connection to a 9V supply instead of a battery. I know that this is a positive ground circuit, but if I wire the connector to my 9V plug-in supply correctly, is there a reason that I can't use the same one for the Fuzz Face and the rest of my existing pedals?


Posts: 84
Post Re: Project #5: "Super-Fiend" Fuzz Face
on: August 4, 2013, 17:22

This will only work if you have an isolated power supply. With a regular power supply all of the noise and other junk that normally goes to ground through your power supply will go through your positive ground pedal, and you end up with noise. These work best on battery. I know it sounds like a hassle. These effects use very little juice a 9V battery will last a long time. In reality the LED uses more juice than the effect. Omit the LED for extra long battery life. Duane Allman seemed to think his Fuzz Face sounded best when the battery was down about 7.5V!


Posts: 84
Post Re: Project #5: "Super-Fiend" Fuzz Face
on: August 4, 2013, 18:15

I've just gotten back to this project. I built one Fuzz Face with sockets for the transistors, input and output caps. I plan to use this one to test parts before soldering them into the others.

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