I finished up some post on little amps, and then went for a evening stroll around the block.
Tonefiend hearts Seymour.
Seymour Duncan’s year-long sponsorship of my blog has drawn to a close. If you’re reading this, you’ve already found the blog’s new home. Meanwhile, everything we said and did over the past year will be posted both here and in archived form at its old location on Seymour Duncan’s site, […]
A message from Earl?
Weird but true: After my experience last week with simulated gut strings, I ordered a banjo set, figuring I’d restring my beautiful Deering with “nylgut” for an old-timey pre-bluegrass sound. But as soon as I tuned up, BANG! The head ripped in two.
I went upstairs and told my […]
Raising the strings to pitch automatically clips the strings.
While auditioning parts as part of the ongoing Mongrel Strat Project, I tried out my first set of Planet Waves Auto-Trim Locking Guitar Machines. I’m really digging them! They lock to pitch via a little button on the back, much like Sperzel locking tuners. […]
"We am have photo finish!"
It’s midnight here in California — March 1st. Which means the Secret Room’s first contest is over. The rules were simple: The tone secret with the highest user rating earns it author a $1,000 Godin Natural Summit CT, a versatile carved-top solidbody. The authors of the second- and […]
It's a world of secrets out there . . .
Holy cow! I had no idea there were so many secrets out there, and so many players eager to divulge them!
In other words: The Secret Room project is off to a roaring start, with hundreds of cool submissions, and I’m working overtime […]
Amazing things at NAMM, #1,287: Bootsy Collins's right hand.
Just got back from a couple of days at the 2012 NAMM convention in Anaheim. And I’m glad to be writing about it rather than talking about it, because I have no voice left from screaming over several days of unbelievably loud ambient noise. […]
It has been brought to my attention that there is, in fact, another event this weekend called a NAMM show. I’ll be there Friday and Saturday with Seymour Duncan. If you’re at the show, please stop by. And tomorrow — Thursday — I’m playing a show at Taix in LA’s cool Echo Park neighborhood […]
. . . to a blog about all the things you can do with — or to — a guitar. Topics: DIY, instruments, amps, effects, recording, software, technique, music history, music heresy.