NEW CONTEST: Klon vs. Screamer
Identify the Audio Clips and Win!

Left: Klon Centaur #309, worth over $2,000.Right: BYOC Overdrive 2, a $95 Tube Screamer clone.

Left: Klon Centaur #309, worth over $2,000.
Right: BYOC Overdrive 2, a $95 Tube Screamer clone.

It’s hardly a new idea: YouTube is full of Klon vs. Screamer comparison videos.

But this one is different.

Using the same “reasonably scientific” techniques deployed in my recent germanium fuzz survey, I’ve created a blind listening test that removes as many variables as possible from the equation.

The video details the testing procedures. But basically, the A/B recordings are identical save for the use of one pedal or the other. The rival pedals are Klon Centaur #309 (the unit reviewed in Guitar Player back in the ’90s) and a new BYOC Overdrive 2, a DIY Tube Screamer clone kit with extra knobs and pots to provide the most popular boutique mods.

This Klon would fetch north of $2,000 on EBay. You can order the Overdrive 2 online for $95.

Now, these two pedals are NOT identical circuits. (The key differences are covered in the video.) But they share the same topology and sonic character. It’s not an apples and oranges comparison — more like two apples of distinct but related varieties.

For the video I dialed in five different sounds from across the Klon’s range, and then tried to duplicate them with the BYOC Screamer clone. You’ll hear the same material ten times, like so:

Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

Pedal A =
Pedal B =

Example 2: high gain, medium tone

Pedal A =
Pedal B =

Example 3: low gain, medium tone

Pedal A =
Pedal B =

Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

Pedal A =
Pedal B =

Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

Pedal A =
Pedal B =

To compete, just fill in the blanks and copy your answers into the comments thread below.

The pedals might not appear in the same order for each pair of audio clips. Other than that, there are no sneaky tricks. (For example, you really do hear two different pedals for every example.)


The first three contestants to submit perfect scores before Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013, will each win fabulous prizes one of my hand-built stompboxes. On that date I’ll post the answers and announce the winners here, assuming there are some. You can still test your ears after that by watching this video and not peeking at the answers — but sorry, no more prizes.

Only one entry per person. Anyone caught circumventing this rule via multiple identities may be subject to global ridicule.

I’ll hold off on any sonic observations till I post the correct answers next week.

Good luck, and may the best ears win some gnarly stompbox.

86 comments to NEW CONTEST: Klon vs. Screamer
Identify the Audio Clips and Win!

  • Iago

    Here it goes:
    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    • joe

      Thanks for jumping in, man! Results next Tuesday!

    • Andy

      Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

      Pedal A = Screamer
      Pedal B = Centaur

      Example 2: high gain, medium tone

      Pedal A = Centaur
      Pedal B = Screamer

      Example 3: low gain, medium tone

      Pedal A = Centaur
      Pedal B = Screamer

      Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

      Pedal A = Centaur
      Pedal B = Screamer

      Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

      Pedal A = Screamer
      Pedal B = Centaur

  • joe

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =Screamer Clone

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =Screamer Clone

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =Screamer Clone
    Pedal B =Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A =Screamer Clone
    Pedal B =Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =Screamer Clone

    • Hugo

      My guess is the same as this.
      1A Klon / 1B Screamer
      2A Klon / 2B Screamer
      3A Screamer / 3B Klon
      4A Screamer / 4B Klon
      5A Klon / 5B Screamer

  • If this is right I’m going to buy a lottery ticket too.. 😉

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer

  • Example 1: medium gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = Klon
Pedal B = SC
    Example 2: high gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = SC
Pedal B = Klon
    Example 3: low gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = SC
Pedal B = Klon
    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone
    Pedal A = SC
Pedal B = Klon
    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone
    Pedal A = SC
Pedal B = Klon

  • Example 1: medium gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = Screamer
Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = Klon
Pedal B = Screamer

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = Screamer
Pedal B = Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone
    Pedal A = Klon

    Pedal B = Screamer

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone
    Pedal A = Screamer

    Pedal B = Klon

    (I agree 100% with Iago!)

  • smgear

    Great! There’s no way I’m guessing correctly as I have no personal experience with either, but I’ll hazard:

    Example 1
    A TS
    B K
    Example 2
    A K
    B TS
    Example 3
    A K
    B TS
    Example 4
    A TS
    B K
    Example 5
    A TS
    B K

  • Matteo

    My personal opinion:

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = BYOC
    Pedal B = KLON

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = KLON
    Pedal B = BYOC

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = KLON
    Pedal B = BYOC

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = KLON
    Pedal B = BYOC

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = BYOC
    Pedal B = KLON

    I have never tried a real Klon… I’m curious! 🙂

  • Oinkus

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B =Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =Screamer
    Pedal B =Klon

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =Screamer

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A =Screamer
    Pedal B =Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =Screamer

  • Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer

    (I’ve actually just gone with saying the take I prefer is the Klon – this might be folly as I’m not actually that familiar with either pedal. So yeah – take “Klon” to mean “the one I liked the most”. Example 5 was the hardest one to call for me.)

  • Topomole

    I’d say…

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Screamer clone
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer clone

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Screamer clone
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer clone

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Screamer clone
    Pedal B = Klon

  • Steve W

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = KlON
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = KLON

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = KLON

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = KLON

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = KLON

  • Paulo Matos

    Example 1 -> A – Screamer, B – Klon
    Example 2 -> A – Screamer, B – Klon
    Example 3 -> A – Klon, B – Screamer
    Example 4 -> A – Screamer, B – Klon
    Example 5 -> A – Klon, B – Screamer

  • steev

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

  • Evil

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

  • Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

  • DonDougie

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =TS
    Pedal B =Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =TS

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =TS

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A =TS
    Pedal B =Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =TS

  • Tom Hutch

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = klon
    Pedal B = ts

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = ts
    Pedal B = klon

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = ts
    Pedal B = klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = ts
    Pedal B = klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = klon
    Pedal B = ts

  • RZoletto

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Ts

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Ts
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Ts

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Ts

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Ts
    Pedal B = Klon

  • Oh, this is impossible. I think I’m right on the high gain one, the Klon (I think) doesn’t alias as much. The others… well. :cuckoo:
    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = K

    Pedal B = S
    Example 2: high gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = S

    Pedal B = K
    Example 3: low gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = S

    Pedal B = K
    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone
    Pedal A = K

    Pedal B = S
    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone
    Pedal A = S
Pedal B = K

  • Michael

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =klon
    Pedal B =screamer

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =screamer
    Pedal B =klon

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =klon
    Pedal B =screamer

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A =screamer
    Pedal B =klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A =screamer
    Pedal B =klon

  • Schrodingersgoldfish

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =Screamer

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =Screamer
    Pedal B =Klon

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =Screamer
    Pedal B =Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =Screamer

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =Screamer

  • Example 1: medium gain, medium tone
    Pedal A =klon
    Pedal B =clone
    Example 2: high gain, medium tone
    Pedal A =klon
    Pedal B =clone
    Example 3: low gain, medium tone
    Pedal A =clone
    Pedal B =klon
    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone
    Pedal A =klon
    Pedal B =clone
    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone
    Pedal A =clone
    Pedal B =klon

  • Daniel Diaz

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone
    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =Screamer
    Example 2: high gain, medium tone
    Pedal A =Screamer
    Pedal B =Klon
    Example 3: low gain, medium tone
    Pedal A =Screamer
    Pedal B =Klon
    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone
    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =Screamer
    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone
    Pedal A =Screamer
    Pedal B =Klon

  • Mike C

    Example 1
    pedal A:  Klon
    pedal B:  Screamer clone

    Example 2
    pedal A:  Screamer clone
    pedal B:  Klon

    Example 3
    pedal A:  Screamer clone
    pedal B:  Klon

    Example 4
    pedal A:  Klon
    pedal B:  Screamer clone

    Example 5
    pedal A:  Klon
    pedal B:  Screamer clone

  • bear

    1 A TS B Klon
    2 A Klon B TS
    3 A TS B Klon
    4 A Klon B TS
    5 A TS B Klon.

  • bear

    And I see that if I’m right I’m already too late to win on my picks. (Lousy work.) Oh well. Still my best guesses.

  • Dallas

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =ts
    Pedal B =klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A =ts
    Pedal B =klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A =ts
    Pedal B =kln

  • Sebastián Enríquez

    I have no experience with any of them, the chances are 1 in 1024, haha. I have some knowledge from what I’ve heard or readed in some post’s, so here I go:

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone
    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =Screamer Clone
    Example 2: high gain, medium tone
    Pedal A =Screamer Clone
    Pedal B =Klon
    Example 3: low gain, medium tone
    Pedal A =Screamer Clone
    Pedal B =Klon
    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone
    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =Screamer Clone
    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone
    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =Screamer Clone

  • Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = klon
    Pedal B = ts

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = klon
    Pedal B = ts

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = ts
    Pedal B = klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = klon
    Pedal B = ts

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = ts
    Pedal B = klon

  • Ex1 – A: TS B: K
    Ex2 – A: K B: TS
    Ex3 – A: K B: TS
    Ex4 – A: K B: TS
    Ex5 – A: K B: TS

    Tough call on the lower gain settings! Thanks for doing this – quite an eye(ear)opener 😉

  • Maurice

    Example 1:
    B: Klon
    Ex. 2:
    A: Screamer
    B: Klon
    A: Screamer
    B: Klon
    A: Screamer
    B: Klon
    A: Klon
    B: Screamer

  • Pygmy Chimpanzee

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

  • They are both very similar although my choices were swayed by the extra headroom/clarity that 18v gives…but who knows?!?! Fun experiment. 🙂

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone
    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B =tubescreamer clone
    Example 2: high gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = tubescreamer clone
    Example 3: low gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = klon
    Pedal B = tubescreamer clone
    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone
    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = screamer clone
    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone
    Pedal A = screamer clone
    Pedal B = klon

  • Kassie

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

  • G.G.

    Fun idea Joe! Here are my guesses:

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    thanks for the fun vid!

  • Steve D

    I’m guessing here

    1A = KLON
    1B = TS Clone

    2A = TS Clone
    2B = KLON

    3A = TS Clone
    3B = KLON

    4A = TS Clone
    4B = KLON

    5A = KLON
    5B = TS

    but what do I know???

  • Vami

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone
    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone
    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

  • Todd Olinsky-Paul

    1) A: Klon B: TS
    2) A: Klon B: TS
    3) A: TS B: Klon
    4) A: TS B: Klon
    5) A: Klon B: TS

  • Glen

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

  • Bassment

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

  • Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A =TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Will say, the differences are SUBTLE, and you’d never hear the difference in a live setting-nice job on the clips!!!

    BTW, I listened to the clip on my studio setup, miles better than computer speakers…

  • Chrisgblues






    Thanks this is fun!

  • Tim

    #35 Report Post
    Old Today, 09:27 PM
    tjmicsak tjmicsak is online now
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    Join Date: Aug 2008
    Location: Webster, NY
    Posts: 4,556

    A- TS
    B- Klon

    A- Klon
    B- TS

    A- TS
    B- Klon

    A- TS
    B- Klon

  • Chip

    1 a-klon b-TS
    2 a-TS b-klon
    3 a-TS b-klon
    4 a-klon b-TS
    5 a-TS b-klon

  • Jackson

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

  • Greg Mac

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    I’ll laugh if i’m right, because speakers on a samsung tab aren’t exactly reference grade.

  • They all sound the f***ing same – great stuff. Another myth destroyed.

    – $ 95,-
    = $1.905,-

    Don´t bother finding out the difference, folks.
    Get yourself an OD2, save $ 1.905,- for which you can BUY a gnarly overdrive from Joe! :smirk:


  • Ryan

    My guess is the same as this.
    1 Klon / Screamer
    2 Klon / Screamer
    3 Screamer / Klon
    4 Screamer / Klon
    5 Screamer / Klon

  • Arnoud

    Lol, barely different. Here’s my wild guess:

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

  • JC

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

  • T.J.

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone
    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone
    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone
    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

  • James Dunlap

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

  • Gary Hall

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

  • Bigson


  • cbtw

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =K
    Pedal B =TS

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =TS
    Pedal B =K

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =K
    Pedal B =TS

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A =TS
    Pedal B =K

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A =TS
    Pedal B =K

  • will th' thrill

    1A – Screamer 1B – Klon
    2A – Klon 2B – Screamer
    3A – Klon 3B – Screamer
    4A – Screamer 4B – Klon
    5A – Screamer 5B – Klon

    Thanks for the video!

  • Mike Angle

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = KLON

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = KLON
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = KLON
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = KLON

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = KLON
    Pedal B = TS

  • Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Tube Screamer

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Tube Screamer

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Tube Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Tube Screamer

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Tube Screamer

  • Hernan

    Hi Joe, another vote for “both pedals sound the same to me” here. I guess I’m not sophisticated enough to appreciate the Klon mystique (I used to play a Boss SD-2).

    What impresses me is this re-amping business. I had read about it, but it’s the first time I hear a demonstration of it. A very clever trick…

  • Oinkus

    I did not post that I can hear such small, subtle differences that I have 2 chances to win ? Now I can’t remember what we replaced slim and none with ?

  • @re-amping:

    Joe, am I mistaken or would you achieve the same thing using a hardware looper?

    Anyway, both methods are a great step towards a comparison under “laboratory conditions”, meaning all outher circumstances are the same.

    This is what IMHO most of the video comparisons and other comparisons suffer from. The guys who do them don´t take into account that all impedance (cables!) and voltages and the like have to be standardized, but also that the tone you hear vastly influences what you are playing.
    In other words, when you play through box X you might not play the same as through box Y.

    This is why for serious re-amping the player plays through some box that makes him play comfortable, but it is the dry signal that is recorded and then sent through either a real amp (re-amping) or a simulation in a DAW.

    Having all that said, I prefer recordings from the 70ies, which may by today´s standards be technically inferior, but convey that spirit that only grasps the players when they are within reach.


    • joe

      Yes, you could absolutely do the same with a looper. But since I had to record the results anyway, I figured I’d do the entire thing in Logic.

      I couldn’t agree more about the audio quality of internet videos, even from many big-name manufacturers, magazines, and retailers. Cables and such are the least of the problems! Most are recorded on phone and video cam mics. Many who post such audio describe it as “natural” or “real life,” when in fact the cheap compressors and preamps in those consumer devices color and distort the sound to an extraordinary degree. The results are the furthest thing from an accurate depiction of how, say, a guitar and amp sound in a practice room, or onstage, or in the studio.

      Anyone who follows this site knows I post plenty of embarrassingly amateurish video, but I always try to use actual recording equipment to capture the sound of the gear I write about. It makes a huge difference. Take this current Klon/Screamer comparison: Obviously, the tones are fairly close to each other, perhaps more so than many of us anticipated. If I recorded the same examples on, say, the microphone on my iPhone, the sonic differences between the Royer and iPhone mics would be a thousand times greater than the sound variation between the Klon and the Screamer.

      And yes, any decent musician plays “to” the effect, adjusting their technique consciously or subconsciously to conjure the best result. These clips would ABSOLUTELY sound better had I played them in real time through the individual pedals. But then it would be harder to make an objective comparison between the sound of the two circuits.

      • bear

        I was indeed surprised at how close I found the clips. In the reveal stage I’ll be interested to find out how much use of the special-sauce switching and tweaking available on the BYOC was necessary to get the tone match. Just for the three knob simplicity I would likely tip towards building a klone. But if the BYOC was used just like a three-knob slime-green vintage screamer that would really rattle people in a fun way.

  • Colm Kelly

    1. A = Klon, B = BYOC
    2. A = Klon, B = BYOC
    3. A = Klon, B = BYOC
    4. A = BYOC, B = Klon
    5. A = Klon, B = BYOC

  • Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Clone
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Clone

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Clone
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = Clone
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Clone
    Pedal B = Klon

    This are my answers. I have to saw they sound very similar, but if I felt that one of the clips I liked it better by some mystical reason, it must be the Klon… It should be somewhere that overpriced hype!
    In any case, Anyone should be happy with the 95 bucks pedal.
    I love your work man! and your “reasonably scientific” approach to music!

  • el reclusa

    Y’know, this video (and the previous Hitlerarity) are making me think an awful lot about how the vast majority of tones I reeeeeally like were made well before the “botique” era took hold, and how much of that stuff was off-the-rack Boss pedals; PJ Harvey and John Parish rocked-and AFAIK- STILL rock a DS-1 and a Distortion +. Mark Linkous used Boss ODs on some of Sparklehorse’s more distorto stuff to grand effect. While I have played (and enjoyed) an old, silver Centaur a friend has, I’m pretty sure anything decent can getcha at least 90% of the way there.

  • Joe Culbreath

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Tube Screamer

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Tube Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Tube Screamer

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = Tube Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Tube Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

  • Quiz my *ss!

    One of the most popular posts on the site, I believe.
    Gooped or DIY-ed? So hard to tell difference.
    T :turtle: hese gadgets would sound much livelier if not reamped. Overdrive pedal should let your guitar ‘breathe’ physically with amp. It is out of question via reamping.
    Though I totally understand that to emphasize such subtle differences there is no other way around, is there?

    (The Klon Centaur was under the leopard fur headpiece and BYOC Distortion 2 under the black panther muff hat all the time.)

    • joe

      True about the interactions between guitar and speaker.

      But don’t forget: the VAST majority of electric guitar recordings of the past 45+ years were recorded in studio environments where the guitar and amp were isolated from each other. There are a couple of producers who work differently on a regular basis (Daniel Lanois springs to mind), but really, most of the multitrack-era electric guitar canon was created with minimal guitar/amp interaction.

      Gives me an idea for another blind listening test: realtime vs. ReAmped guitars. Except even fewer people would be able to guess that one.


      • Oinkus

        That is a lose lose proposition and end result would be less then zero Joe.Don’t forget that every wannaba home studio uses isolation of some sort,mostly because Moms won’t allow that much volume! :stupid:

        • So true, so true!


          Who of us could choose if he/she has a must need of a pedal shown on any iphone/nokia/samsung etc.-recorded youtube vid or/and via re-amped pro sound vid of yours?
          I believe that very few of of us posting here seldom have guts/ability to test/purchase gear in analogue/digital/analogue enviroinment.

          Tested I any pedal, I’d done it analogue.

          Myself I play guitar live about 99,9x% live vs. 00,0x% recording (and of recording, mostly Windows-based)
          So, I like to experience if a pedal suits my LIVE playing somehow.
          Side by side testing I have decided to choose Joyo or Behringer.
          And today, studiowise, once wishes one to achieve true 30 second plus amp/guitar feedback, is there other way than to leave control room and fight analoguish against the amp? (It is not totally impossible, proved with a C-cassette player and a pair of headphones once)
          Few listener these days, anyway, could tell would a certain guitar track have been played through a Pignose or a Quadruple rectified Mesa or reamped with whateveryougot.

          So the next quiz might be if one could tell was the 15 minute vintage pig-squeal feedback fuzz phenomena all PC-based throuhg headphones or was it re-amped Garabeband plugin Mac cracked via Russian defence satellite?

  • Billy g gruff

    Example 1: A =screamer B= Klon
    Example 2: A=Klon B=screamer
    Example 3: A=Klon B=screamer
    Example 4: A=screamer B=Klon
    Example 5: A=Klon B=screamer

    That was hard. I feel like the Klon seemed just a bit smoother with a tiny bit less bite in the mids. I also thought I could hear a particular kind of harmonic distortion happening with the Klon that makes it stand out, but only slightly. I found myself second guessing a lot on this one.

    I hope I’m right because I REALLY want one of your pedals. It would be my first and only distortion pedal as I don’t use them in my regular rig, but I’d make an exception for one of your pedals Joe!

  • camaro guy

    Example 1: A = Klon, B = Screamer
    Example 2: A = Klon, B = Screamer
    Example 3: A = Klon, B = Screamer
    Example 4: A = Screamer, B = Klon
    Example 5: A = Screamer, B = Klon

  • defaced

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = TS
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = TS

  • Chris Norris

    Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Clone

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Clone

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Clone
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Clone

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Clone
    Pedal B = Klon

  • Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =OD2
    Pedal B =KLON

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =OD2
    Pedal B =KLON

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A =KLON
    Pedal B =OD2

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A =KLON
    Pedal B =OD2

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A =OD2
    Pedal B =KLON

  • Now to go find the real answer,,,.Example 1: medium gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer

    Example 2: high gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 3: low gain, medium tone

    Pedal A = Klon
    Pedal B = Screamer

    Example 4: medium gain, bright tone

    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

    Example 5: medium gain, dark tone

    Pedal A = Screamer
    Pedal B = Klon

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