The Museum of Lost Effects

Museum of Lost Effects

The Museum of Lost Effects is a repository of articles and videos covering rare and odd guitar processors.

This initially modest collection is a work in progress that will grow over time, much like the ever-more-absurd prices these gizmos fetch on EBay.

Current exhibits:

Klon Centaur

Maestro Rhythm N’ Sound for Guitar

Morley Rotating Sound Wah (AKA “Oil Can Vibrato”)

Systech Harmonic Energizer

Lovetone Doppelganger

Interfax Harmonic Percolator

6 comments to The Museum of Lost Effects

  • Rafael Francisco Zuñiga Lacouture

    Joe This series are Great! I really liked all those pedals, specially the maestro rhythm and sound. It seems to be a really useful tool lets say for playing solo!! Do you know if theres any modern cheaper alternative to that??

  • Jim

    Can ANYONE answer this……………

    Been trying for years to replicate this tone

    “I Love You More Than You’ll Ever Know” Blood, Sweat & Tears RAW without processing through soundboard.

    Anyone have an idea? Baldwin Buzzaround?

    • joe

      Wow, thanks for that. I haven’t head that record since I was a little kid. A Buzzaround could sound like that, but it might also be a Mk. II Tone Bender. It sure doesn’t sound like a Fuzz Face!

  • Vivek

    Hi Joe,

    Could you please consider doing some more pedal demos in this series – like your remaining Lovetone pedals? Also it would be great if you could add RSS to your blog – will make it much easier to keep following your videos. Thank you!

  • Joe F.

    That’s the sound of a 335 thru a cranked small amp.
    No pedals required.

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